Valuable Information: What to do in cases of emergencies
Consider developing a disaster plan with your household members to prepare for what to do, how to find each other, and how to communicate in an emergency. Print this page for quick reference and place it somewhere everyone knows.
- Decide where your household will reunite after a disaster. Identify two places to meet: one right outside your home and another outside your neighborhood, such as a library, community center or place of worship.
- Make sure everyone knows the address and phone number of your second meeting place.
- Know and practice all possible exit routes from your home and neighborhood.
- Designate an out-of-state friend or relative that household members can call if separated during a disaster. If New York City phone circuits are busy, this out-of-state contact can be an important way of communicating between household members. When local phone circuits are busy, long-distance calls may be easier to make.
- Account for everybody’s needs, especially seniors, people with disabilities and non-English speakers.
- Practice your plan with all household members.
- Ensure that household members have a copy of your household disaster plan to keep in their wallets and backpacks.
For more information
- Visit the New York City Office of Emergency Management website.
- Download the Ready New York Guide
- Receive 5% discount for rentals made from our Enterprise location at 315 east 40th street
New York City Agencies
Helpful resources on crime prevention, fire safety, education and more.
- New York City Police Department
- New York City Fire Department
- STAR – New York State School Tax Relief Program
- Department of Education and School Directory
- Department of Parks and Recreation and the Green Streets Program
- Community Boards
- Voter Assistance Commission
- Department for the Aging
- Alternate Side Parking Rules Suspension Calendar
- New York City Sidewalk Information